Ok, I’ll admit it. Lately I have been a major slacker when it comes to blogging…and cooking and crafting. Other than hanging out with the planet’s most adorable baby (who is now crawling), I’ve spent every waking moment decorating like a crazy person and getting loose ends tied up to officially launch my local business in a couple weeks.
Today I thought I’d give you a peek at some of the projects I’ve been working on. First is the dining room of my friend Laura. You might remember her daughter Olive’s nursery that I helped with a couple years ago. I have a big fat crush on this space and my own dining room felt a bit sad and homely after spending so much time in this one. It was a whirlwind project, and Laura and I were pretty shocked we actually pulled it off in 72 hours. (Several weeks of emails and pinning preceded this.) I’ll share more pics and project details in a post later this month.
Also, I’m in the middle of helping another friend decorate his recently purchased 100 year old loft. This has been a really fun project so far because it’s the most masculine space I’ve ever worked on. Until everything comes in and I have actual pictures, here is the design board with some of the items that will fill the living room.
I’m crossing my fingers that the website will be ready to go in a couple weeks. Then you’ll be able to see more of what I’ve been working on the last couple months. Another big thing that happened in September was a video shoot. I hired these guys to shoot a promotional video for the business site…I’m excited to see the final product but nervous about hearing myself talk. “I just love how my voice sounds on recordings.” Have you ever heard those words uttered by anyone before? Me neither.
Thanks for being patient with me through this phase of sporadic posting…I’m thinking of taking a little more time “off” from the blog to revamp and refocus before jumping into the holidays. Sometimes I find myself being pulled to try and imitate other bloggers that seem to be doing bigger and better things. I have to fight that urge and realize that if this site is ever going to be an authentic representation of my creative musings then I have to stop comparing and being influenced by others. Easier said than done. I saw this quote the other day and think it’s going to be my new mantra of the moment: “Don’t compare you beginnings to someone else’s middle.” Word.
Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door says
Cheers to you my friend! I’m glad (and not at all surprised) that you are so busy. Can’t wait to hear more!
Heather {The Lovely Cupboard} says
Thank you, Elizabeth! I’m hoping business picks up even more, but life can get a little less hectic. Maybe that’s just a pipe dream!!
Cassie @ Primitive & Proper says
such a tease! what i see is gorgeous!
Cassie @ Primitive & Proper says
such a tease! what i see is gorgeous!
Cassie @ Primitive & Proper says
such a tease! what i see is gorgeous!
Cassie @ Primitive & Proper says
such a tease! what i see is gorgeous!
Cassie @ Primitive & Proper says
such a tease! what i see is gorgeous!
Cassie @ Primitive & Proper says
such a tease! what i see is gorgeous!
Heather {The Lovely Cupboard} says
Hah! I promise to deliver full details soon. Thank you, Cassie:)
Barbara says
Wow that sounds so awesome, hope to see it soon.
Roxarita says
That is gorgeous!
P.S. Random question – what ever happened with your dogs now that your daughter is here? I hope everything is great!
Heather {The Lovely Cupboard} says
I keep meaning to post about the dogs, but just haven’t yet. Sadly, we had to find them new homes…Marty showed signs of aggression toward the baby, and Brooke Shields was feeling very neglected and making her presence known, we’ll leave it at that. I miss them terribly and can barely stand walking past the doggy sweaters at Target without tearing up.
yours truly, melissa says
Exciting! Everything…the crawling, the decorating, and the new biz! 🙂
Heather {The Lovely Cupboard} says
Thank, thank, thank you! Hope your baby girl is doing well:)
Beth of designPOST Interiors says
Keep working away…we’ll al be here to see the pretty projects when you return full time!
Heather {The Lovely Cupboard} says
Thank you, Beth!! Glad to know “my faithful bloggy friends” will still stick around:)
Brandi says
Your blog is so refreshing. I am so happy I found you!